sreda, 8. julij 2009

I would have to publish this already yesterday, but I wasn`t because I ended up too late and after drawing must still to write and jadljadljadl... mainly am not. I was surprised incredibly. I would go to bet easily that am already looked all Rambs of this world, but it looks like that I am not, actually I am not shure that I looked any of them, because that from last week also am not... yeah well miracles still occur.

Little goose herd is because she is always tealing sticks from Pacek and after that she is ordering so with them, as if Pacek would be her herd of geese. This dog ruffian actually obeys her more than me, actually all obeys more then me. If I call him, he even doesn`t lift his ears, neither to get some assigne from him, but if somehow already look at me, is such look: " What this hen wants from me again!"

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