četrtek, 16. julij 2009

Yesterday. Stupid day. In the morning walk with Pacek, Rosa an I found little baby sparrow. I knew I should leave him there, but that wouldn`t be me, and he was so alone, so he went home with us. I was feeding him every hour...half hour, all day and I foamed alone above myself, that I incurred this, because he will croaked anyway, because I don't know how to take care of bird babies and I will too little or too much fed him.... I was sorry for me mainly alone, because I always bring on what kind of problem.
And in the evening he flew away. I was sitting on balcony an feeding him and sudenly some bird singed outside and in the next second he was in the air and flew away.

ponedeljek, 13. julij 2009

Beautiful, beautiful Monday.
It started already early in the morning, when I waked up and saw sun outside. It was second day of sun and It looksalmost incredible. And that I wouldn't happen to occur, that we will somehow missed it, I dressed up quick, put on Rosa, took Pacek and we went in Park. Which didn't prove as the most smart thing, because little princess was, when came to Tivoli already so tired, that we made only one small circle and went to shortest way home. She was really tired, slept from 9 am to 12 am and when she waked was outside of still sun, which just filled me with full of energy.